
Monday, June 21, 2010


Okay, this is my first entry in a photo contest...I've been watching them for a while at and I just couldn't resist this one as my VERY FIRST portrait model, Quinton, is a teenager and he just so happened to have given me the most awesome photo shoot ever!  What a model!! I had an extremely hard time picking one photo from his shoot because they all turned out so dynamic.  I finally settled on this one because it framed his face in tight and well, it is i <3 faces, right!? This kid is only 15 years old, just lost his father days before the shoot (an army soldier who just served in Iraq), is in two different rock bands (you can see a tiny peek of his accoustic in the lower left corner) and has one of the deepest minds you would ever meet. He is extremely loyal to his girlfriend; cherishes their true love...remember those days?!  He is way too grown for his age, but still maintains an innocence that is somewhat mysterious.  I was thrilled to get to know him that day and have never taken better images since.  I was surprised he was up for the shoot considering his tragic loss, but he thanked me later and told me how good it was for him to get out and focus on something else.  Everytime I look at this photo, I know what is going on behind those eyes and what that is happens to be way too deep for you or me to understand.  They say the eyes are the window to the soul.  I wish I didn't have to see the sadness in his.  But on the same note~ this kid is a survivor, is extremely talented and I am proud to call him my nephew.  Man, he set the bar extremely high for me because now everyone wants their picture to look as good as his.  What can I say...his unique style,  facial structure, eyes and soul made this shot.  I only captured it.  Love you, Q!

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