Okay, I am one of the late Blogging bloomers I admit it. I think almost everyone I know has a blog but me. Weird for me because I am usually ahead of the trends and since my husband is a total computer geek, you would think he would be up on this as well. Hmph...I don't like being behind. :-( Maybe it's the 5 kids we're keeping up with that's made this such a not so "hot" priority?! Either way, it has taken my 15 year old niece to kick my butt into the current century on this and got me with the program (not only is she hip to the blogging world, but she currently holds the fastest texting fingers record to date!)
I guess I should start with the introductions---my name is Kassi; I am a mother, entrepreneur and artist. I love to create things whether it be through painting murals, creating fashion accessories and clothing (I run my own line- Punk n Posh), new recipes in the kitchen (love to cook!), making fun crafts and art projects with the kiddies or making some random home decor item! Yes, I am all over the place with my talents and yes, I have a hard time focusing on just one. I know there are others like me out there and I hope to one day find some serious support group for us scatterbrained artists~LOL.
My most recent creative outlet? Photography. I L-O-V-E it! My husband started that one when he bought me a Nikon D3000 SLR camera. I'm not so sure he would have done it if he knew what a monster he would create! I immediately signed myself up for classes at the University of Louisville and have been hard at work with it since. I seriously think everything I see I can visualize a beautiful photograph in it now...it's like you see life differently once you really look at it through the perspective of a camera lens. It's amazing and romantic and I'm totally in love...with my camera :-). Which brings me back to my husband...the geek.
Is he truly a geek? Well, technically I guess he is...he is ahead of the vast majority when it comes to "techie" knowledge, gadgets and "how-to's", he is a serious "gamer" (as in PC games, console games and especially arcade games) and yes....he really has enough comics to open up his own store in his own personal collection. So by all definitions, Allan is a geek. But---he also happens to be one of the most laid back, personable, cool, attractive and funniest people I have ever known with a dynamic, magnetic personality and that by all definitions is a rock star. ;-) Yes. that is my husband-the rock star geek...or at least when it comes to Guitar Hero that is... ;-0
And that leaves the kiddos...also commonly referred to by myself as my "chicklets". ;-)
A.T. is Allan's oldest, who already has a little tot himself named Kyran. He is truly his father's son and quickly but naturally follows in his fathers footsteps with many of the same qualities and interests I mentioned of his father above.
Next comes Logan. He just turned 9. He has got to be the sweetest kid on the planet (or so his mom says)...he is thee best cuddler I've had to date and he has a calm, tender way about himself. He loves Science and wants to be a master chef one day.
Following Logan is Cayleigh-almost the exact opposite of Logan. She is a total clown with a hilarious sense of humor. She is ALWAYS making others laugh (even when it gets them in trouble) and finds it most diffucult to be serious. She has a passion for music and says that she will be a singer/songwriter one day. At age 7, she has already begun the songwriting process...heavily influenced by the popular Miley and Taylor, of course.

Next on the totem pole is Gabe. He is definitely the loudest one of the bunch but still has a very sweet heart. He is my strong boy with a big teddy bear heart. He has loads of energy, tends to be goofy along with his big sister and I believe I have seen the future with him one day being that big defensive linebacker that slams his head against his locker while screaming to rile himself up before a big game, but then coming and picking up his mother off the ground while hugging her after the win. Granted, he is only 5 now. but I'll laugh if he turns out to be anything else. :-)
Last but certainly not least is the baby, Victoria. She is a true blessing and we simply adore her. She is certainly spoiled rotten by our whole clan, but we don't really care. She has HIGH needs and can be very demanding, but we all answer her call regardless of what ever we are doing. Yes, we all realize we are raising a monster...but what a beautiful monster she is. We don't know a ton about her personality, likes and dislikes yet as she is not quite a year, but we have already seen her true love for music already as she smiles and be-bops to ths music she loves even when she is upset and it turns her bad moods around in a split second. She is also a bit of a "softie" as we say around here since most of our clan can take a good tickle, joke, play session, etc. with the best of them and laugh the whole way through but little "Tori" can break out in a smile or begin to cry at the drop of a hat~and we never know which one we're gonna get! She's very sensitive~LOL. She crawls like a champ and is trying her best to "toddle" around the house...she's going to be walking, then running VERY SOON! Regardless, she fills our hearts with more joy than we ever thought possible and she completes our family perfectly.
We also have an angel in waiting, Avery. It was a very painful loss but we know we will all be united again one day and are most grateful to our church and it's gospel that we have that knowledge. I think the most difficult part for me is that I see all the great things my other kids have grown to be and it just hurts to not be able to see what Avery would have been in this life. It feels like broken dreams. But I know there was a purpose for it all...I'll learn what that is some day. Until then, Avery is one of the many angels we feel around us every day.
So, that's us...wish us luck on our new blogging venture...I hope we can keep up. thanks Lexi Lou! ;-)
Kassi Clifford
Hi Kassi,
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog because of the comment you left on Shutterboo's Blog which I read daily... I think you have a beautiful family and your blog is going to be great! I also started a blog about a month ago therefore I am very new at this, my writing is not the best but I do love to share my photography and thoughts with others so I thought I gave it a try.
Greetings From the Edge;
ReplyDeleteI followed the bread trail from Myshutterspace and found this. Im impressed with the photography on your page. Someone you know is very talented, and I offer my compliments on your beautiful family. They are with us for such a short time so I encourage embracing them everyday. too soon, will they depat for their own lives and leave vacant, your arms.
I don't have a blog. I am a techy boss who runs a crew of technicians on the Aleutians Island Chain and oft times we feel we spend more time on computers than we our comfort preferences permit. Facebook (Rick Neff)is an avenue where I maintian a following of viewers, specifically, my Project 365, One Photo A Day. Every day I post a new photo. mainly Alaskana but sometimes what ever got in the way of my camera. I call them a following since they tend to complain when I fail to post a day or two. I occaisionally fall off the communicative grid, during my travels, and sometimes have no cell coverage, internet, or landline telephone. It is truely the Edge of the Frontiere.
I hope to view your images and learn from your style, and perhaps, a little about your family. In return, I hope you might gleen sometime from my images. It's really good to meet you, even if it is on a white space floor. Happy shooting.
Thanks to both of you..Joan, I already love your blog and thank you for linking mine to yours! Rick, I'm heading to fb now to check u out next! lol...thanks for stopping by! I just posted my fav photo to date in my recent post..hope u enjoy!!